Wooden Grace after Meals Holder
This 22x27 centimeter olive wood booklet holder is perfect for storing Birkonim, the booklets that have the Grace after Meals on them and has the phrase "You shall eat, be satisfied and bless" in Hebrew.
Size | 22x27 centimeters |
This wooden 22x27centimeter booklet stand has a depiction of the Shabbat Table set with food including the Seven Species below the Hebrew phrase "Va-Achalta Ve-Savata U-Veirachta" or "You shall eat, be satisfied and bless". This praise is the considered in Jewish tradition to be the source for the Birkat Hamazon, or "Grace After Meals" that thanks G-d for the good eaten at the meal. This item also has a geometric pattern at its top and can be affixed to a wall or other location.